Wedded Bliss is a wedding budget dashboard. Designed to tackle couples who are struggling to find a budget for their happily-ever after.
Wedded Bliss combines the aesthetics of wedding & romance, with the sophistication of an app.
UI Design
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Year: 2021
September 2021-December 2021
Duration: 3 months
The average wedding in 2019 was $28,000.
Due to Covid-19, the average budget decreased to $19,000.
By 2021, the budget for weddings increased slightly, to $21,680.
According to Business Insider, the average wedding venue is $10,000.
Not everyone has the kind of money or the time to spend on a wedding. In some cases, that half of an income.
Male/Female; &/or same-sex couples
Ages 25-40
Engaged to be married
Have certain desires & a particular vision in terms of what they want for a wedding.
We want to find a way to budget our wedding in a way that can benefit both parties & be fun to use.
Ages: 30 & 32
Statuses: Engaged to be married
Jobs: Yoga instructor & bank teller
Income: $50K each
Location: San Jose, CA
Traveling, couples trips
Surfing & Canoeing
Volunteering for various charities
Cooking & Baking
Both want a budget tracker to track their expenses for the various categories of their wedding.Try & add customization to the wedding budget.
Both never learned how to budget their
money & have contrasts in what parts of the
wedding are most important for their budget & what isn’t.
Both want to take charge in the wedding planning budget process.
Montserrat ExtraLight
Montserrat Light
Montserrat Medium
Montserrat Regular
Montserrat Thin
Montserrat SemiBold
Montserrat Bold
Montserrat ExtraBold
Montserrat Black